Friday, April 23, 2010


staun yang lalu klo ditanya apa itu blogwalking.. gw ga bakal engeh apa itu.. scara gw jg ga tlalu ngeblog yak hehehe.. um, tapi seiring berjalannya waktu, gw jadi suka baca-baca blog orang.. slaen karna sifat dasar gw yang kepo, tapi gw jadi suka nemu blog-blog yang seru, lucu, penuh fashion, penuh makanan dll.. which brings more information to me.. jadi skarang tu klo ada resto baru tinggal googling aja ntar kluar de review dari orang-orang through blog..

seru? yap.. seru banget buat gw.. reading other people's point of view.. bisa tau toko-toko online yang terpercaya.. trus terutama bisa baca kisah hidup orang sih.. karna each person's life is very interesting.. maybe we don't know them, we don't even know they exist before reading the blog.. or maybe we're seperated by time and space.. but when you read their stories, it makes you feel close.. at least you know their names :)

um, lately when I have nothing to do at the office (ups, please do not let my boss read this), I would open somebody's blog I've been following and try to find their friends and go blogwalking.. some blogs I've found are amazing.. especially that relates to food journey :) well, turns out that reading other people's blog is an amazing journey for me.. getting to know other people's life, new restaurant in town, new fashion in town or even cake recipes (yang mana pas liat resep pengen gw buat tapi apa daya tangan tak sampai bagai pungguk merindukan bulan).. anyway, their stories brings happiness, and sometimes touch my heart.. I think for me, it's the greatest experience in blogging.. scara gw suka males komen-komen ato kenalan sama orang thru internet..

lately, blog ini lah yang sering gw baca.. dan gw suka.. hahaha.. how he writes the blog reminds me of.. ME! the words he uses.. mirip sama cara gw dan temen-temen gw ngomong.. jadi berasa kaya lagi baca tulisan temen sendiri :P anyway, tapi si orang ini juga suka post hal-hal yang touchy.. he likes to write fictions (see, only by reading his blog, gw bisa ngambil kesimpulan dia suka apa) dan post di bawah ini merupakan salah satu post yang bikin gw senyum dan ga berenti liatinnya.. suka banget.. :)

P.S: hopefully, klo uda punya suami.. walo suami gw ga punya blog.. he'll say or write something as nice as that :) ngarep mode: on..

1 comment:

  1. hehe..
    thanks for reading my blog!
    you have a very nice blog too! :)
