Wednesday, August 26, 2009

my soul's tranquilizer :)

oh my soul, do you not know?
have you not heard?
it's been told from the beginning
the Lord, your God is on your side

oh my soul, don't be afraid
trust in the Lord
by His righteousness and power
He will strengthen, He will guide

I will soar on wings like eagles
held by the hands of God
I will run and not grow tired
when on His name I call

for the Lord is never weary
His ways are beyond my thoughts
I will trust in Him with all my heart
and I will rest upon His promise
patiently I'll wait

Sunday, August 23, 2009

a little bite of me

..Always be proud of yourself and
understand that it's your individuality that
makes you beautiful..

~ Mark Feehily

the most mouth watering food - currently

sushi.. (sushi tei, hachi hachi bistro, sushi naga)
pizza & pastas (pizza e birra, pizza hut, PHD)
salad (all you can take salad - pizza hut)

drink to cheer my day

coffee.. and the best is still starbucks' hot caramel macchiato

colour of my day

don't have one.. changes according to my mood..
basically i love all colours :)

most brand in my shoe boxes

undeniably... charles & keith

most brand in my working shirts

the executive.. a smart price to have a smart look

tv program to make me laugh

Trans7's "opera van java"

accesories to make my look

earings.. have lots of those and still adding ;P

irresistable for me

discounts at favourite stores.. (or anywhere basically)
chillis.. when eating ;P

ultimate holiday destination

italy.. rome, venice, milan

current obsession

cooking cupcakes :)
Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self.
It's about accepting all of yourself.
You've got to learn to accept the fool in you as well as the part that's got it goin' on.
~ Tyra Banks

Monday, August 3, 2009

back from singapore

i'm back in indonesia
and back to work already
had a great time in singapore
and wished to extend the trip
however, i had to get back to reality
photos and stories update: soon
i'm in a tight deadline for this new client and no internet Y.Y